Trade Cryptocurrencies CFDs

Your Gateway to the Exciting World of Cryptocurrency Trading

Experience the future of finance with a wide range of popular digital assets, all accessible on our secure and user-friendly platform. Start your trading journey today and unlock the vast potential of the cryptocurrency market.

交易商品   买价 卖价 点差
BTCUSD 62720.64 62745.99 253.5
ETHUSD 3445.72 3452.83 71.1
XRPUSD 0.4838 0.4875 3.7
ADAUSD 0.4129 0.4200 7.1
BCHUSD 385.21 387.06 18.5
BNBUSD 578.51 580.59 20.8
DOTUSD 6.357 6.436 7.9
LTCUSD 74.91 75.66 7.5
MATICUSD 0.563 0.572 0.9
DOGEUSD 0.1237 0.1244 0.7
LINKUSD 14.588 14.671 8.3
SOLUSD 148.89 149.60 7.1
AVXUSD 28.07 28.36 2.9
ALGOUSD 0.1494 0.1513 1.9
SHIBUSD 17.2849 17.2998 14.9
TRXUSD 0.12798 0.12856 5.8
XLMUSD 0.09260 0.09430 17
XTZUSD 0.791 0.793 0.2
ATOMUSD 6.90 6.93 0.3
BSVUSD 44.57 44.60 0.3
DSHUSD 24.15 24.18 0.3
VETUSD 0.02650 0.02652 0.2
XMRUSD 168.88 169.01 1.3
AAVEUSD 95.86 96.88 10.2
CROUSD 0.090686 0.090814 12.8
UNIUSD 8.980 8.985 0.5
CAKEUSD 2.11 2.13 0.2
YFIUSD 6603.20 6607.80 46
FTMUSD 0.5875 0.5877 0.2
ONEUSD 0.01432 0.01439 0.7
SNXUSD 1.976 1.978 0.2
WAVUSD 1.02 1.04 0.2
XEMUSD 0.0143 0.0146 0.3
AXIEUSD 5.91 5.94 0.3
CHZUSD 0.0745 0.0747 0.2
ENJUSD 0.196 0.197 0.1
MANAUSD 0.3439 0.3441 0.2
SANDUSD 0.3276 0.3278 0.2
THTUSD 1.591 1.593 0.2
ETHBTC 0.05494 0.05496 0.2

Explore Cryptocurrencies Trading

Experience a new frontier in finance with the launch of cryptocurrency trading. Buy, sell, and trade popular digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Binance Coin directly from your crypto account.

When a trade is executed, the associated cost is referred to as the spread. Axon Markets offers optimal price quotes sourced from our liquidity providers, ensuring improved pricing and liquidity to enhance your trading success.

Leverage trading empowers you to expand your total market exposure without the need for additional initial capital. This increased leverage has the potential to significantly magnify the outcomes of your trades, making it crucial to exercise caution and discretion in its application.

Please note that the spreads displayed are indicative and are based on our standard account. Spreads may vary depending on your account type and prevailing market conditions.

For a comprehensive list of instrument spreads,click here


6 Reasons to Get Started with Cryptocurrency Trading


Cryptocurrencies have a history of significant price fluctuations, offering the potential for substantial gains.


Adding cryptocurrency to your investment portfolio can help spread risk and potentially hedge against traditional market movements.


Cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology, a revolutionary innovation with the potential to disrupt numerous industries.


Unlike traditional stock markets, the cryptocurrency market operates continuously, allowing you to trade at your convenience, anywhere in the world.


User-friendly online platforms have made buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies easier than ever, often allowing you to start with a small amount.


Limited supply makes crypto a potential hedge against inflation, offering some protection against rising prices.

Frequently Asked Question

Absolutely! Our platform allows you to leverage both long and short positions on a variety of cryptocurrencies, giving you flexibility to suit your trading style.

We offer a wide selection of over 100 cryptocurrencies, encompassing both established leaders like Bitcoin and Ethereum, along with popular emerging options.

Our crypto trading fees are transparent. You'll only incur the standard trading spread, similar to forex trading, and a potential overnight swap fee if you hold positions overnight. There are no hidden commissions or additional charges.

Yes, we offer leverage for crypto trading, allowing you to amplify your potential returns. However, it's important to remember that leverage also magnifies potential losses. We recommend carefully considering your risk tolerance and starting with lower leverage levels before exploring higher options like 1:10.

Unfortunately, we don't currently support the transfer of existing crypto holdings directly into our platform for trading. This is a common practice among forex brokers, including Axon Markets. Here's why:

1. Separate Systems: Our platform, like many others, is primarily designed for forex trading, while cryptocurrencies operate on a different blockchain technology. Integrating direct transfers could pose technical complexities and potential risks.

2. Security: Ensuring the security of our clients' funds is our top priority. Introducing external crypto holdings into our platform might raise security concerns, as we adhere to strict regulations to safeguard our clients' assets.

Axon Markets offers the CryptoTrade account, designed specifically for trading cryptocurrencies with customised features. If you wish to trade other instruments such as Forex, Spot Metals, Commodities, Indices, and Stocks, you will need to open a different type of trading account.

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