Trading Instruments

Dive into the dynamic world of trading with Axon Markets, where over 100 diverse instruments await
your exploration. From stocks to currencies and beyond, our wide-ranging selection equips you to diversify
your portfolio, make informed decisions, and unlock potential growth and profits in the fast-paced financial markets.

Instrument Specifications

Instrument Avg. Spread
Margin Requirements
Contract Size
per lot
Minimum Tick Size Long Swap
Short Swap
ASXAUD 37 0 1% 1 0.01 -1.6 -0.16
CACEUR 16 0 1% 1 0.01 -0.88 -0.09
DAXEUR 14 0 1% 1 0.01 -1.49 -0.15
DOWUSD 34 0 1% 1 0.01 -8.95 -0.89
FTSGBP 15 0 1% 1 0.01 -1 -0.1
HSIHKD 1.4 0 1% 1 1 -4.96 -0.5
IBXEUR 98 0 1% 1 0.01 -1.9 -0.19
JPXJPY 1.4 0 1% 1 1 -2.89 -3.03
NASUSD 16 0 1% 1 0.01 -3.9 0.45
SPXUSD 11 0 1% 1 0.01 -1.14 -0.11
ESXEUR 25 0 1% 1 0.01 -3.24 -0.32

风险警告: 差价合约(CFD)保证金交易具有高风险,可能不适合所有投资者。在决定交易CFD之前,请确保您充分了解涉及的风险,并在必要时寻求独立建议。您可能会损失部分或全部投资,因此您不应投资您无法承受损失的资金。 请阅读完整的风险披露

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